
Masao Maruyama Collection

The Masao Maruyama Collection is an archive of publications, manuscripts, and other materials that were in the personal possession of Masao Maruyama, one of postwar Japan's leading intellectuals. After his death the collection was donated to Tokyo Woman's Christian University by his family in September 1998. The collection includes roughly 18,000 book titles, 6,200 manuscripts and notes, and 18,000 periodicals. About 5,800 of the books contain substantial amounts of personal inscriptions by Maruyama, which, along with his numerous handwritten manuscripts and notes in the collection offer a comprehensive view of Maruyama's learnings and thoughts. Also part of the collection are materials (organized by Genzaburo Yoshino) relating to the Peace Study Group, in which Maruyama was heavily involved, donated by Iwanami Shoten. The copyright of Maruyama's writings was bequeathed to Tokyo Woman's Christian University in 2011.

Access was provided to the open-shelf books in the collection in 2005, manuscripts in 2009, closed-stack books in 2010, periodicals in 2012, and music scores in 2014 and 2015. You can view many manuscripts on the Masao Maruyama Collection Digital Manuscript Archive. Additionally, the collection includes Maruyama's incoming correspondence (in 26 cartons), which is currently under study.

Users of the Masao Maruyama Collection are kindly requested to comply with the rules applicable to non-TWCU users of Tokyo Woman's Christian University Library as well as other rules in place to ensure the preservation of these valuable materials for future generations.

Collection Review

The Masao Maruyama Collection includes books, periodicals, and manuscripts left at the Maruyama house. The books come from Maruyama's personal libraries, study, bedroom or drawing room, and are given call numbers to be shelved as they were at Maruyama's house. However, in cases where ill health in later years had prevented Maruyama from keeping things in order, arrangements have been modified to restore Maruyama's original intention. For more information please visit the TWCU Library and consult the "丸山眞男文庫所蔵図書一覧 (所蔵順リスト)" [Masao Maruyama Collection Catalog] or see "Virtual Tour of Masao Maruyama's Home Library".

1. Open-Stacks Books and Periodicals


Approx. 12,200 titles. These come from Maruyama's personal libraries, and have no inscriptions or pages folded by Maruyama. Also included are published works by Maruyama, and others about Maruyama himself. About 70% of the books in the Collection are in open stacks.

Approx. 12,500 issues. These come from Maruyama's personal libraries, were issued in or after 1961, and have no personal inscriptions or pages folded by Maruyama. About 70% of the periodicals in the Collection are in open stacks.

How to Find Materials

To conduct searches, please consult the Tokyo Woman's Christian University Library OPAC. You can narrow your search to open-stacks materials by specifying "丸山文庫 (開架)" [Maruyama Collection, Open-stacks] for the "配架場所" [Location].

2. Closed-Stack Books and Periodicals


Approx. 5,800 titles. Of the books left at the Maruyama house, these are books that either contain personal inscriptions or pages folded by Maruyama, come from Maruyama's study, bedroom or drawing room, or books that are rare. Details are as follows:

1. Books with inscriptions or folded pages
The books contain Maruyama's personal inscriptions, or pages folded by Maruyama. The items are indicated "書きこみ等あり" [with inscriptions] on the OPAC bibliographic information screen. PDF files have been created of folded pages or pages with inscriptions. To consult the PDF files, please refer to the guidelines below before making an application.

2. Books from Maruyama's study, bedroom, or drawing room
These are books Maruyama was most drawn to, and kept at close hand until the end of his life. They are shelved as closely as possible to the way Maruyama had left them. The major concern is on Yukichi Fukuzawa or “Seito to itan" [lit. orthodoxy and heresy] studies, reflecting Maruyama's late interests.

3. Other rare books
These are books without inscriptions or folded pages but have been deemed rare or valuable, e.g. books issued during or before the 1940s, or books with dedications.

Approx. 5,400 issues. They come from the Maruyama house, and include the following:
  1. Periodicals issued in or before 1960.
  2. Periodicals containing Maruyama's personal inscriptions or pages folded by Maruyama.
  3. Periodicals from Maruyama's study, bedroom, or drawing room (periodicals kept alongside books in the second category of closed-stack books described above).
  4. Periodicals containing work by Maruyama (indicated as "丸山執筆論文・対談等掲載" [contains work or interviews by Maruyama] on the OPAC bibliographic information screen).
  5. Periodicals containing discussions on Maruyama (indicated as "丸山論掲載" [contains discussions on Maruyama] on the OPAC bibliographic information screen).
About 30% of the periodicals in the Collection are in closed stacks. Periodicals categorized as No.4 and No.5 contain those who are published after Maruyma's death.

How to Find Materials

Please use the Tokyo Woman's Christian University Library OPAC. You can narrow your search to closed-stack materials by specifying "丸山文庫 (閉架)" [Maruyama Collection, Closed Stack] for the "配架場所" [Location].

Guidelines for Use of Closed-Stack Materials

  • For books/periodicals containing pages made into PDF files, only the PDF files are available for reference use. This is to protect the originals. Pages that are not digitized, and the originals of the books and periodicals are not available for viewing.
  • Only pages with Maruyama's inscriptions or pages folded by Maruyama have been converted into PDF files. These books and periodicals are indicated "書きこみ等あり" [with marginalia] on the OPAC bibliographic information screen.
  • Closed-stack books/periodicals not converted into PDF files at all are available for reference use by non-TWCU users only if the same items are not held by any other library. TWCU users are asked to refer to the user guide on how to access these items.

"Grades" of Items with Inscriptions

The library has graded the items converted into PDF files (see OPAC search results screen) according to the following criteria:

Grade 2: Items containing 17 or fewer inscriptions. Such items make up 50% of items with inscriptions.
Grade 3: Items containing 18 to 40 inscriptions. Such items make up 30% of items with marginalia.
Grade 4: Items containing 41 or more inscriptions. Such items make up 20% of items with marginalia.

Please notice however, that, in some cases, items with smaller numbers of inscriptions have been classified as Grade 3 or 4 in light of the significance of the inscriptions.

How to Consult Materials

Reference use of closed-stack books/periodicals is available by advance application. Details are available here.

3. Manuscripts


Approx. 6,200 items. These are notebooks, manuscripts, and other materials donated to Tokyo Woman's Christian University by the family of Masao Maruyama after his death. The items have been classified and organized by Maruyama Masao Bunko Kyoryoku no Kai [lit. Friends of the Masao Maruyama Collection] formed by researchers who have been mentored directly or indirectly by Maruyama. These wide-ranging materials include Maruyama's manuscripts, notes made for his writings, drafts and preparatory notes made for lectures and seminars, notebooks containing comments on books, records of cited materials, lecture notes from student years, documents related to various research meetings and symposia, records of overseas trips, transcripts of recorded interviews and talks, documents related to Faculty of Law and Graduate Schools for Law and Politics at the University of Tokyo, materials related to civic movements, materials related to the Peace Study Group, diaries and memoranda.

How to Search for Materials

To conduct searches, please use the "丸山眞男文庫所蔵草稿検索" [Masao Maruyama Collection Manuscripts Search] . You are also able to see some of digitalized materials (PDF files) there. Reference use of materials, which are not shown on website, is only available at TWCU library. (The advance application is required.)

Point to Note when Consulting Materials

Some of the materials have been digitized (converted into PDF files) to protect the originals. If the material exists in PDF, only the PDF version is available for reference use.

How to Consult Materials

Reference use of manuscripts is available by advance application. Details are available here.

4. Other Materials

The Masao Maruyama Collection also contains correspondence. These are not yet accessible to the public.