


第6回ゲストフォーラム『フィンランドにおけるワーク・ウェルビーイング』 駐日フィンランド大使(タンヤ・ヤースケライネン閣下)による東京女子大学での講演会


The 6th Guest Forum 『Work Well-being in Finland』
A presentation given at TWCU by the Finnish Ambassador to Japan Her Excellency Tanja Jääskeläinen

フィンランドの幸福の基本原則を説明される大使(The Ambassador explains the core principles of happiness in Finland)

2024年10月18 日(金)、東京女子大学は、駐日フィンランド大使のタンヤ・ヤースケライネン閣下をお招きして、講演会を開催しました。講演会は4時限(午後3時〜午後4時30分)に6115 教室で行われ、25人の学生、8人の教員、6人の SCALE (Student Committee for the Advancement and Learning of English)のメンバー、6人の英語センタースタッフが参加しました。本講演会は、鈴木夏代先生と SCALE の 6 人のメンバーが企画し、英語センター(LARECE)が運営を担当、 当日はSCALE のメンバーが司会進行を行いました。
Her Excellency Tanja Jääskeläinen was invited to give a talk on Friday 18th October at TWCU. The event was held in the 6115-lecture theatre in front of an audience of 25 students, eight teachers, the six SCALE members and six LARECE(Liberal Arts Research and Education Center for English) staff members in the fourth period from 3pm to 4.30 pm. The 6th Guest Forum was initiated by Professor Natsuyo Suzuki and the six members of SCALE (Student Committee for the Advancement and Learning of English), organized by LARECE, and hosted on the day by the SCALE members.

プレゼンの後の活発な質疑応答(The presentation was followed by a lively Q&A session)

The speaker commenced by giving the audience an introduction to Finland which ranged from the history of the Finnish nation, the culture of its people, through to current geopolitical challenges. The main focus of her presentation was to explain to the audience why Finland has ranked top in the United Nations’ World Happiness Report in the last five years (2018-2023). In the explanation, the Ambassador pointed out that Finland guarantees healthcare and income security to all and that it has installed an ‘infrastructure of happiness’ based on an optimum work-life balance. She emphasized further that gender equality is a core value of Finnish society and that Finland is committed to improving work styles to allow all members of society to play an active role. This strong commitment is evidenced by the fact that women account for nearly half of the Finnish workforce currently.

SCALEのメンバーによる大使への花束贈呈(SCALE members presenting the Ambassador with a bouquet of flowers)


講演会の最後、SCALE のメンバーたちが感謝の印として大使に花束を贈呈しました。
The Ambassador’s lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session in which students especially sought clues about how Japan can achieve a greater role for women in its society. To round off the event, SCALE students presented the Ambassador with a marvelous bouquet of flowers as a token of both their and the university’s appreciation.
Neale Cunningham